
Divyang Jeevansathi - Your Trustworthy Life Partner

  Divyang Jeevansathi is known as fastest growing handicapped marriage website for disabled people.   You can search the thousands profiles of Deaf, Mute and other Handicapped Indian Brides and Grooms from all over the India, just select your desired state and city. this beautiful web portal serves you a numbers of profiles.   The main important thing is that our portals is very user-friendly and easily manage by anyone.   Using our service you can search the bride and grooms according to your suitability.   A survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that 15 per cent of the world’s population lives with some sort of disability and 2-4% of this number experience significant difficulties in functioning. These people who have to live with some sort of physical or emotional setback are generally shunned by society. They are isolated and made a centre of pity. We want to end this thought and give smiles to them.

Best Handicapped Marriage Bureau and Website in India

Caring for someone with a disability can be tiring – both physically and emotionally. It doesn’t matter if they are an older or a younger person with a disability, the support of family, friends and community services is important. With this vision in mind offering matchmaking services for persons with special needs (Physically challenged, Hearing impaired, visually impaired, mentally challenged etc) At, we know that disabilities aren’t always visible, and that while some of us might be getting married in a wheelchair or walking down the aisle with a cane, others of us are dealing with chronic conditions or other invisible challenges like social anxiety conditions. Whatever your abilities, we want to help you have a wonderful wedding! also encourages young men and women to mingle. “We try to create a platform, where it is easy for them to find a life partner. Many of them think of themselves as burdens. This is a plac